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#505 closed task (spam)

Learn A New Smartphone To pass Contacts From Android To iOS And Viceversa Step A

Reported by: Myronsimpson Owned by: Alpar Juttner
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: core Version: hg main
Keywords: Cc:
Revision id:


If you plan to change your terminal Android for an iPhone or vice versa, or even if you've changed, you're probably planteándote the following question: how I spend the phonebook contacts from the old phone to the new quickly? Well that's exactly what you'll explain. The easiest way to pass the contacts to iOS and Android viceversa process. Transfer contacts between both platforms is really easy. The first thing we need is a Gmail account. If Android users are probably already will have it is essential to be able to access Google Play. The second is to have iTunes and Outlook in the case of Windows, but also will suffice with only one iCloud account. First case of Android to iOS how to jailbreak iphone 5

The following steps enable us to transfer contacts from your Android device to your iPhone. Open your Gmail account, go to the contacts option and we click on the More option Now select Export.

In the window that opens mark all contacts, if we want only certain ones can also, export and vCard format.

Now let the Mac OS X and we import that file. When we synchronize our iPhone all these contacts are saved automatically. If instead we use Windows instead of OS X, we have to select Outlook CSV. Import contacts to Outlook and then when you sync up with iTunes for Windows will synchronize contacts. In Windows, use iTunes to synchronize Outlook contacts and calendars. Moving contacts iOS to Android The process is simply reversed. From our agenda Outlook Mac OS X or export all our contacts in vCard format (for Notebook OS X) and Outlook CSV (if using Windows). Now we set up our Gmail account. Contacts and then select from the menu More give to Import. Select the file and go. Our Android device will sync with Gmail account automatically and all contacts are saved. using iCloud

As we have seen, transfer contacts between iOS and Android is not difficult. Anyway there is a method to use iCloud. With version 5 of iOS Apple introduced iCloud, a storage system in the cloud that allows us to sync between notes, calendars and contacts among others. The only requirement is that our device is able to upgrade to version 5 and create an iCloud account. Once we have our upgraded to iOS 5 device and created iCloud account we access the web and enter the data of our users from iCloud. Let's Agenda. From there the file import contacts from Gmail we previously created. That way we will have contacts Android to iOS. If we really want iOS to Android export from iCloud Calendar application and import into Gmail. Remember that we will have our iOS device have enabled iCloud. To do this, go to Settings -> verify that iCloud is enabled. Everything will be automatically synchronized. conclusions As you can see the process is really easy. An additional method is to enable synchronization of contacts Gmail options in iTunes. The problem is that the contacts can be duplicated, so it is preferable to choose the method that we show. Likewise, if you are going to perform for the first time I recommend syncing contacts verify that no contacts in the phonebook destination. Reason?? Avoid duplicates and trouble to post. In Technology You to You | Five steps to improve your Android experience Tags: Moving contacts between Android and iOS , Tutorials

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Alpar Juttner

Resolution: spam
Status: newclosed

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by Peter Kovacs

Milestone: LEMON 1.4 release
Priority: majortrivial

SPAM ticket, removed from milestone 1.4.

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