COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

Custom Query (89 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#146 Cheap copy of maps (reference counting) PHASE II. assigned enhancement blocker LEMON 1.5 release core
#633 Fixes fox gcc 9 new defect blocker LEMON 1.4 release core
#59 Port the remaining spanning tree algorithms new task critical LEMON 1.5 release core
#168 Port bipartite matching algorithms new task critical LEMON 1.4 release core
#227 Command line tool for executing various algorithms new enhancement critical LEMON 1.5 release core
#346 Port the remaining shortest path algorithms new task critical LEMON 1.5 release core
#680 Fix C++17 compilation warnings regarding the use of the deprecated std::iterator. new defect critical LEMON 1.4 release core
#6 VGraph and VMap assigned enhancement major core
#33 Benchmarking new task major LEMON 1.4 release core
#64 Port constrained shortest path algorithm assigned task major core
#70 Port VirtualMaps assigned task major core
#73 Port the remaining miscellaneous tools assigned task major core
#76 New features for graphToEps() assigned enhancement major core
#85 Use eps.h for drawing in graphToEps() new task major core
#86 Virtualmap based graphToEps(). assigned enhancement major core
#94 Easy erase in list graphs new enhancement major core
#105 Consider using the "ziggurat" method in Random::gauss(). new enhancement major core
#220 Implement a Dual Network Simplex algorithm new enhancement major core
#222 Network Simplex alg. for a simplified problem new enhancement major core
#225 Binary graph file format new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#237 Line graph implementations new enhancement major core
#238 Min cut iterators in Preflow new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#246 s() and t() as an alias for source() and target() new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#251 More efficient graph copying new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#269 Function type interface for Circulation new enhancement major core
#271 Provide output in dimacs-solver new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#284 LGF to EPS converter tool new enhancement major tools
#287 Specify argument order for ArgParser new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#297 Graph and map serializer new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#300 Faster building of heaps new enhancement major core
#313 Revise the implementation of PairingHeap and RadixHeap new enhancement major core
#329 Sort outgoing arcs in the build() function of StaticDigraph new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#344 Cairo based version of graphToEps() new enhancement major core
#345 Obtaining and storing the LP solution new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#355 SCIP MipSolver backend new enhancement major core
#357 Guidelines for run/init/start new enhancement major documentation
#367 Gurobi backend for the LP interface new enhancement major core
#370 Edge coloring algorithms new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#373 Compile time assertion new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#374 Functions for weakly connected components new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#378 Transitive closure new enhancement major core
#379 Find odd cycles new enhancement major core
#381 Simplified heaps without priority update new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#385 QuadHeap instead of BinHeap in Dijkstra new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#394 Add supprt for lp_solve new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#399 Missing getter and streaming operator for Node/Arc id new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#400 MPL LpSolver/MipSolver backend new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#402 Maps don't initialize subseqnetly added graph elements to the map-constructor's initial value. new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#409 Extend new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#412 Implement Dinitz algorithm for the max flow problem new task major core
#413 Implement Young-Tarjan-Orlin algorithm for min mean cycle new enhancement major core
#415 Custom cost types in NetworkSimplex new enhancement major core
#421 Better DAG test and topological ordering implementation new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#426 Expose CBC/CPL original interface in CbcMip and ClpLp new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#427 Create build() routine for StaticDigraph that allows # of arcs to be set explicitly new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#431 Remember the lastly evaluated arcs in Circulation (and in Preflow) new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#451 Functionality to test graph data structure consistency new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#462 Extended run time checking in debug mode new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#466 Extended std::vector<> new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#475 DigraphWriter<> always saves Arc label new enhancement major LEMON 1.5 release core
#594 STL syle iterators - phase II. new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#597 VF2 (sub)graph isomoprism algorithm reopened enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#616 Current version 1.3.1 Incompatible with SoPlex-4.0.0 new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#621 Lemon and Boost: call of overloaded ‘ignore_unused_variable_warning(...)’ is ambiguous new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#622 unused variable in elevator.h new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#625 lemon preflow algorithm init with flowmap failed because of excess < 0 reopened defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#626 Bug in CBC ProblemType determination new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#628 make find package failed new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#631 Lemon c++20 compatibility patch new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#646 Bug in binomial heap with ties new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#650 MaxWeightedPerfectMatching fails for some graphs new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#656 migrate to github new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#660 Drop support for C++98 new enhancement major LEMON 1.4 release core
#668 Crash in lgf_reader_writer_test new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#669 Mailing lists no longer work new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#672 Bug in the Vf2 implementations new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#681 Bug in radix heap new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#682 Fix access of private members in Vf2 and Vf2++, and improve tests new defect major LEMON 1.4 release core
#8 GraphToEps() doesn't show loop egdes assigned enhancement minor core
#77 Added functionality to nodePsTexts() named param. of graphToEps(). assigned enhancement minor core
#78 Added functionality to graphToEps(). assigned enhancement minor core
#139 Support short and long style parameters in ArgParser assigned enhancement minor core
#235 Push-relabel max flow (Preflow) for undirected graphs new enhancement minor core
#338 Infinite capacities in Preflow new enhancement minor core
#358 Runtime complexity for every algorithm new enhancement minor documentation
#452 time_measure.h uses obsolete headears new defect minor LEMON 1.5 release core
#618 Constrained time measure new enhancement minor LEMON 1.4 release core
#620 Infinite loop in Nagamochi-Ibaraki with floating-point capacities new defect minor LEMON 1.4 release core
#658 CMake Rework new enhancement minor LEMON 1.4 release core
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