COIN-OR::LEMON - Graph Library

{2} Active Tickets by Version (128 matches)

Results (1 - 100 of 128)

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Version: hg main (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Type Owner Status Modified
#633 Fixes fox gcc 9 core defect Alpar Juttner new 02/25/21
#680 Fix C++17 compilation warnings regarding the use of the deprecated std::iterator. core defect Alpar Juttner new 02/02/23
#168 Port bipartite matching algorithms core task Alpar Juttner new 01/26/19
#346 Port the remaining shortest path algorithms core task Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#227 Command line tool for executing various algorithms core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#682 Fix access of private members in Vf2 and Vf2++, and improve tests core defect Alpar Juttner new 05/16/24
#681 Bug in radix heap core defect Alpar Juttner new 07/27/23
#656 migrate to github core defect Alpar Juttner new 11/14/22
#646 Bug in binomial heap with ties core defect Alpar Juttner new 10/14/22
#672 Bug in the Vf2 implementations core defect Alpar Juttner new 10/14/22
#669 Mailing lists no longer work core defect Alpar Juttner new 07/14/22
#668 Crash in lgf_reader_writer_test core defect Alpar Juttner new 07/14/22
#631 Lemon c++20 compatibility patch core defect Alpar Juttner new 12/13/21
#650 MaxWeightedPerfectMatching fails for some graphs core defect Alpar Juttner new 07/03/21
#625 lemon preflow algorithm init with flowmap failed because of excess < 0 core defect Alpar Juttner reopened 09/23/19
#626 Bug in CBC ProblemType determination core defect Alpar Juttner new 07/29/19
#621 Lemon and Boost: call of overloaded ‘ignore_unused_variable_warning(...)’ is ambiguous core defect Alpar Juttner new 05/23/19
#616 Current version 1.3.1 Incompatible with SoPlex-4.0.0 core defect Alpar Juttner new 12/09/18
#296 Multicommodity flow algorithms core task Peter Kovacs assigned 12/13/21
#200 Port sparse SubGraph adaptor from SVN core task Balazs Dezso new 07/10/19
#351 Port the LP utilities core task Balazs Dezso new 07/15/16
#412 Implement Dinitz algorithm for the max flow problem core task Alpar Juttner new 01/11/12
#178 Port dynamic tree based max flow algs. core task Balazs Dezso new 11/05/09
#85 Use eps.h for drawing in graphToEps() core task Alpar Juttner new 11/03/08
#660 Drop support for C++98 core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/26/21
#622 unused variable in elevator.h core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 09/23/19
#421 Better DAG test and topological ordering implementation core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 05/17/19
#355 SCIP MipSolver backend core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/02/18
#191 Benchmark questions related to Preflow core enhancement Peter Kovacs new 11/01/18
#363 Implementing a planar graph type core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 10/26/18
#375 Both lower and upper supply bounds in Network simplex core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 10/26/18
#370 Edge coloring algorithms core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#475 DigraphWriter<> always saves Arc label core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#426 Expose CBC/CPL original interface in CbcMip and ClpLp core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#345 Obtaining and storing the LP solution core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#287 Specify argument order for ArgParser core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#381 Simplified heaps without priority update core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/18
#427 Create build() routine for StaticDigraph that allows # of arcs to be set explicitly core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/23/18
#597 VF2 (sub)graph isomoprism algorithm core enhancement Alpar Juttner reopened 10/18/18
#261 Support floating-point data in min-cost flow algorithms core enhancement Peter Kovacs reopened 05/25/17
#357 Guidelines for run/init/start documentation enhancement Alpar Juttner new 09/12/16
#466 Extended std::vector<> core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#451 Functionality to test graph data structure consistency core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#425 API for giving back the state of Random core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 07/15/16
#409 Extend core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#407 Extend core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 07/15/16
#400 MPL LpSolver/MipSolver backend core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#399 Missing getter and streaming operator for Node/Arc id core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#394 Add supprt for lp_solve core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#385 QuadHeap instead of BinHeap in Dijkstra core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#384 Adaptor class for complementary graph core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 07/15/16
#373 Compile time assertion core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#329 Sort outgoing arcs in the build() function of StaticDigraph core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#328 Heuristic MinCostFlow and MinCostMaxFlow core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#297 Graph and map serializer core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#292 Checker functions for min cost flow core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#271 Provide output in dimacs-solver core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#251 More efficient graph copying core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#246 s() and t() as an alias for source() and target() core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#244 Support min. cost max. flow in MCF classes core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#238 Min cut iterators in Preflow core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#225 Binary graph file format core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/15/16
#221 Primal Network Simplex algorithm with given starting solution core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#218 Path decomposition subroutine in Preflow. core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#217 Subroutine in Preflow alg. to make the solution cycle-less core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#216 Member in Circulation to transform the solution to a basic one core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 07/15/16
#594 STL syle iterators - phase II. core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/08/15
#201 Delaunay triangulation core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 10/12/14
#462 Extended run time checking in debug mode core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 10/26/13
#3 ListGraph should store/update the number of edges and nodes core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 08/02/13
#431 Remember the lastly evaluated arcs in Circulation (and in Preflow) core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 03/09/13
#318 Document MapIt, ConstMapIt and ItemIt classes of standard maps documentation enhancement Peter Kovacs new 03/07/13
#252 Smaller iterator classes for some graph structures core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 03/07/13
#415 Custom cost types in NetworkSimplex core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 03/07/13
#374 Functions for weakly connected components core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 03/02/13
#413 Implement Young-Tarjan-Orlin algorithm for min mean cycle core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 01/11/12
#376 A star (A*) algorithm core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 12/09/11
#249 Bidirectional Bfs and Dijkstra core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 12/09/11
#222 Network Simplex alg. for a simplified problem core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 01/09/11
#105 Consider using the "ziggurat" method in Random::gauss(). core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/16/10
#379 Find odd cycles core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/02/10
#378 Transitive closure core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 07/02/10
#367 Gurobi backend for the LP interface core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 04/16/10
#361 Tolerance support in BellmanFord core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 03/18/10
#352 Tolerance in GomoryHu core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 03/02/10
#343 Support arbitrary precision integers and rationals in LEMON core enhancement Akos Ladanyi assigned 02/18/10
#344 Cairo based version of graphToEps() core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 02/17/10
#37 operator= for RangeMap and SparseMap core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 11/04/09
#247 DegMap core enhancement Peter Kovacs new 11/04/09
#269 Function type interface for Circulation core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/04/09
#284 LGF to EPS converter tool tools enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/04/09
#300 Faster building of heaps core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 11/04/09
#189 Add the functionality of ItemSetTraits to the graphs core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 11/04/09
#98 Read-Write LoggerBoolMap core enhancement Peter Kovacs assigned 10/12/09
#313 Revise the implementation of PairingHeap and RadixHeap core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 09/01/09
#310 Bounding box for Bezier-curves core enhancement Balazs Dezso new 08/18/09
#220 Implement a Dual Network Simplex algorithm core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 03/23/09
#237 Line graph implementations core enhancement Alpar Juttner new 03/03/09
#152 Using processed map in Dijkstra::processed() core enhancement Peter Kovacs new 11/24/08
#76 New features for graphToEps() core enhancement Alpar Juttner assigned 11/03/08
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